Formula Sheet for Final Exam (pdf)

Final Exam Info:  (Please read carefully)

Tutoring will be available
during finals week!


To get the schedule.
  • When is your Final Exam ?        CHECK THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE FOR THE SCHEDULE !
  • I recommend studying your old tests and sample tests to prepare for the final.
    You can also study anything we did in class. (Class Notes, Textbook, online quizzes, etc.)
  • I think it is a good idea to "spread out" your study time. For example study a test per day.
Don't just study the night before the final!
  • The final exam will consists of either 33 or 50 multiple choice questions.
  • (3 or 2 points each)   100 points total !
    Don't assume the final exam is easy because it is multiple choice !
  • Be sure and get the formula sheet from above and practice with it as you study for the final.
  • Your final grade will be calculated as follows:

         Add your 4 test scores + your HA + your FE score + bonuses
  • _________________________________________________________ = Final grade
  •                                                600 points

  • Note I will REPLACE your lowest test grade with your final exam grade if it is higher!
  • Note I will NOT replace your final exam with your homework average!
  • You do NOT need to bring a scantron I will provide one.
  • (I can't allow students to share calculators during the final exam.)
  • Cell phones not allowed as calculators!
  • Do your scratch work neatly. You may need to go back and look over a previous problem!
    BE SURE TO USE A PENCIL ! (You may need to erase some work you do.)
  • Send me an email if you need to contact me before the final exam.