General Education Learning Outcomes

Revised and Approved by Faculty March 6, 2002

Submitted by the Institutional Effectiveness Committee


1. Students will read, write, speak, and listen with the competence necessary to succeed in higher education.

2. Students will participate in activities for cultural enrichment.

3. Students will demonstrate skill in logic and critical thinking.

4. Students will demonstrate proficiency at solving problem algebraically, numerically, and graphically.

5. Students will apply scientific principles to solve a variety of problems.

6. Students will study various values and cultures to better understand human behavior and diversity.

7. Students will participate in health education and activity classes and be encouraged to take responsibility for personal health, wellness and life-long physical activity.

8. Students will access, manage, and present information available through traditional and electronic media.

9. Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic structures and processes of American government.

10. Students will apply historical perspective.

11. Students will apply the study and learning strategies necessary to succeed in higher education.

12. Students will demonstrate an understanding of different themes, subjects, styles, and cultural expressions in art, music, or literature.