Math 1111 (Online) Course Information

(Please read carefully and check back often.  Newer postings are at the bottom of the page.)


Please take a minute or two to read the following information as we start the semester.

Follow this link with your web browser:

More emails are to follow. Contact me if you have questions!  (My office phone: 1-912-486-7587 my email:

Stay tuned!

Mr. Barrs


Let me first mention that drop/add goes on the first 3 days of the semester. After reading this info you may decide to not take this course in a online format. You can change your schedule these first 3 days. Consider the following questions:

1- Do you have several hours a week (probably daily) to study in front of a computer for this course?
2-Are you comfortable with technology?
3-Is a web-delivered format compatible with your learning style?
4-Are you a self motivated learner?

If you have problems with these 4 questions this course may not be for you. Contact me if you have questions! (My office phone: 1-912-486-7587 my email:

Please don't make the mistake that this course is "easy" or any different because its online!  I assure you this is the same course that's taught every semester its just in an online format! In designing the course I basically translated my "in class format" to an "online format". I would like to mention though that I think there are many advantages to taking the course in a "online" format. I will go into these advantages at a later time.

I'm writing this information to try to answer most of the questions I've been getting recently about the course. Hopefully this will answer most of the questions you may have. I'll try not to ramble and keep the message short but understand there are some very important things to discuss as the semester starts!

I'll be sending emails throughout the semester. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL VERY OFTEN!  I suggest checking it daily maybe several times a day. I won't send out emails everyday necessarily but you'll get other emails relating to being a student at East Georgia College.

Okay here we go!      Yes some of this information will be repeated!

1) You don't have to buy a traditional printed textbook for the course BUT you do HAVE to buy a MyMathLab passcode for the course. You can find this in the GSU or Swainsboro bookstores or you can buy this online. Go to and follow the information to buy the code online. (This worked for students last semester.) Note you will need to enter our MyMathLab Course ID:  barrs71383 when you register with your passcode. PLEASE GET YOUR MYMATHLAB CODE AND RESISTER YOURSELF AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you have problems with the registration process or any other MyMathLab problems you will need to contact the MyMathLab support number at 1-800-667-6337 or go to and follow the info. MyMathLab is the textbook website and is independent of EGC.

2) You will have 3 regular tests during the semester and the final exam. So 4 tests total. The test dates are on the Syllabus. You will be required to come to campus at either GSU or Swainsboro to take these 4 tests. If you can't come to campus to take these tests YOU NEED TO CONTACT ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. (My office phone: 1-912-486-7587 my email: Other than these 4 tests you don't have to come to campus. I do of course recommend visiting the tutorial center on campus if you have problems with the course.

3) The TI-83/84 graphing calculator is required for the course. No unauthorized material may be stored in a calculator. Your calculator memory should be empty. NO CELL PHONES used as calculators! You can get by with a scientific calculator but all the instruction I give in class will be based on the TI-83/84.

Other emails will follow.

Mr. Barrs


Follow this link with your web browser:

To get detailed instructions on how to get started with MyMathLab.

Mr. Barrs


There are several "parts" of the course you need to get familiar with as soon as possible:

Go to the main EGC website:   to get started. Find this info on the EGC website that follows.

1) Webmail Webmail icon. -This is where you can check your email or you can use any other software to do this. How do you check your email if you don't know how? Go to   and follow the instructions!

2) GaView VistaGaView Vista site icon.  -This is the main way you enter into the course. Look for our course in a list after you login. It should look something like this: "College Algebra - Summer 2008 MATH-1111-W". You check your grades here too. How do you login in to GaView Vista if you don't know how? Go to  and follow the instructions!

You will find the following information when you login to GaView Vista and check the homepage of the course.

3) URL iconCourse website icon. This is where you go to get instruction in the course.  This contains a lot of information relating to the course. Please READ THIS INFORMATION AS WELL! This is the site you will visit most often as you go through the course during the semester.

4)URL iconCourse Syllabus icon. This is where your course syllabus is ALWAYS located. I recommend you print it and keep one copy available somewhere. Of course you should READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY AND MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE INFO ON THE SYLLABUS!

5)URL iconCourse Information icon. This is where ALL the basic information about the course will be located.

6)URL iconCourse Calendar icon.  This is a day by day calendar of the course. PLEASE CHECK THIS OFTEN! I suggest checking this every time you login into GaView Vista. I will be updating this VERY FREQUENTLY during the semester! This should help you to stay current and up to date with the course. Note: This is not the calendar thats built into GaView Vista.

7)URL iconMyMathLab icon. This is a link to the MyMathLab website. This is where you will be doing your homework problems and getting sample test. Also your current homework grade will be located here 24/7.  Note:  IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO LEARN HOW TO USE MYMATHLAB. If you have questions you can contact me or the support info that I mentioned earlier. You can start the homework and go back to it at a later time. Also you can do the problems as many times as you like until you get them right! Another advantage of the course. Just make sure you make the due date for the homework!

Mr. Barrs


Once you get familiar with the "basics' of the course I want you to start the course by viewing the first video lecture. Be sure to find a quiet place to do this every time. MAKE SURE TO TAKE NOTES WHILE YOU WATCH THE VIDEOS like you would if you went to a classroom! This is where I believe most of the learning happens in the course as well as doing the HOMEWORK problems! You can print the basic class notes from the class website or just start with a blank sheet of paper it's up to you how you want to do this. Be sure to keep a organized notebook with your class notes in it. You may want to use head phones when viewing the videos if necessary. You of course can view the video lectures as many times as you want and they are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  This is what I consider a great advantage over the traditional "in class" format for this course!

If you have problems viewing the videos directly from the internet you may want to download them first to your computer then view them. Just right click the download link and save the file somewhere on your computer. This should avoid most internet problems that may happen.

Note: You should also view the section material in the textbook also to get a complete understanding of the material. Remember the textbook is online within the MyMathLab website or in addition to the MyMathLab passcode you can purchase a textbook in the bookstore. The textbook online is listed under the "Chapter Contents" icon on the left side.

After you feel comfortable with this first section then you should go ahead and start the homework problems on MyMathLab.  Note: there is a due date for the homework. It is posted on MyMathLab and you will see it when you start the homework.

Please be careful this is summer semester.  The course will go by much faster compared to Fall or Spring semesters! BE SURE TO WORK IN THE COURSE VERY REGULARLY!  I suggest you work on the course DAILY !

PLEASE BE SURE TO GET HELP WITH THE COURSE AS SOON AS YOU NEED IT. Don't put off getting help because you will get behind in the class.

Here are the tutoring hours for Summer semester:        There is also help on the MyMathLab website.

FREE Tutoring Summer 2008 EGC (Statesboro)

Mon.       12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Tues.       None
Wed.       8 - 12 pm & 1 - 5 pm
Thurs.    None

Fri.         8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tutoring at the EGC Statesboro Center (HWY 67 Southwind Plaza)
912 - 486 - 7050

FREE Tutoring Summer 2008 EGC (Swainsboro)

Monday                               9:30 - 3:30 PM.
Tuesday and Thursday     9:30 - 4:45 PM
Wednesday                         9:30 - 5:00 PM
Friday                                10:00 - 12:00 PM

Tutoring at EGC Swainsboro at the Academic Instructional resource center.

Mr. Barrs